Great news for Environmental Champions: UAE Launches New 10-Year Blue Residency Visa

UAE Launches New 10-Year Blue Residency Visa

One Stop International, your one-stop shop for all your visa and PRO service needs in the UAE, is excited to announce the launch of a groundbreaking new visa program – the Blue Residency Visa!

This fantastic initiative by the UAE government offers a long-term residency permit valid for a decade to individuals who have made significant contributions to environmental protection efforts.

Who Can Apply?

The Blue Residency Visa is open to a wide range of environmental advocates, including:

  • Champions working to improve air quality and develop green technologies.
  • Members of international environmental organizations, NGOs, and companies.
  • Renowned environmental activists and researchers with a proven track record.
  • Award-winning individuals who have made a remarkable impact on environmental sustainability.

A Commitment to Sustainability

The Blue Residency Visa reflects the UAE’s strong commitment to environmental sustainability. This innovative program aims to attract and retain talented individuals who can contribute significantly to the country’s green initiatives.

How to Apply

Eligible individuals can submit their applications directly through the Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs, and Port Security (ICA). Additionally, relevant authorities can nominate deserving candidates for the Blue Residency Visa.

One Stop International: Your Trusted Visa Partner

At One Stop International, we stay updated on the latest visa regulations and procedures in the UAE. We can guide you through the Blue Residency Visa application process and ensure a smooth and efficient experience.

Contact us today to learn more about the Blue Residency Visa and how we can assist you in securing your long-term residency in the UAE!


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